neuropathy diabetic preclinical cro services


Physiogenex offers diabetic neuroropathy preclinical CRO services to evaluate your drugs targeting this pathology.

We deliver a unique DIO-STZ mouse model developing diabetes and nephropathy and neuropathy with golden standard experiments and biomarkers to evaluate the effects of your test compounds on these complications associated with diabetes.

Benefit from our experience in measuring neuropathy with optimized in vivo experiments such as gastric emptying assays and mechanical sensitivity assay using VonFrey test. Additional advantage from our original DIO-STZ model is the concomitant evaluation of your drug efficacy on glycemic control and diabetic nephropathy in the same experiment.

Besides in vivo experiments and translatable biomarkers such as NF-light, our clients benefit from our complete histology services panel and histopathology scoring to fully characterize neuropathy.

Our experience in animal models of diabetic nephropathy/neuropathy and our expertise as consultancy services will optimize and accelerate your drug development program for diabetic complications.

Diabetic Neuropathy in vivo models

Physiogenex mouse model of neuropathy

DIO-STZ mouse model of diabetic neuroropathy and nephropathy:

Diabetic Neuropathy preclinical CRO services

In vivo services

Mechanical sensitivity assay using Von Freytest.
Kidney function: Glomerular Filtration Rate (FITC-sinistrin) using Medibeacon devices.
Gastric emptying

Biochemistry assays and histology

Plasma/urine parameters:

  • Albumin
  • Creatinine
  • Proteinuria

Histology analysis:

  • H&E, PAS, Sirius Red, immunostaining (ED1 for inflammation, col III for fibrosis)
  • Blinded histopathological score
  • Gene and protein expression analysis